There was a time when vinyl flooring, whether for commercial or domestic use, was seen as the poor relation of hardwood flooring – and the two were generally sold by separate organisations. Initially, the challenge for Vinyl flooring manufacturers was “to look like hardwood flooring, but be cheaper”. This inevitably gave the impression that vinyl flooring was more of a budget option.
Fortunately, those days are gone now, and, as a result of new changes in technology, vinyl flooring is very much in demand. At Xylo we sell hardwood flooring, vinyl flooring and laminate flooring under one roof and our goal is to offer the highest quality possible, with the best choice of designs and colours. With our Dynamic Click range, vinyl flooring has truly come of age, delivering superior results for commercial and domestic clients, in particular:
First-class surface durability – We’re so confident about the durability of the Dynamic range we offer a lifetime warranty for domestic installations and a full 5 year warranty for commercial uses. It’s scratch and dent resistant, stain resistant and UV fade resistant, which means it stays looking good for longer. And it’s a heavyweight 5.5mm, making it suitable for high traffic commercial use.
Quicker installation – Using snap together installation, it is possible to lay Dynamic Click flooring quickly and easily, helping you to meet your commercial project deadlines.
Easier maintenance – Because it’s less prone to damage, vinyl needs far less work to keep it looking good. Brushing and the occasional wipe down is all that’s needed.
Realistic – Dynamic has a highly realistic “matt oiled timber” look which your clients and their customers will be hard pressed to distinguish from hardwood Flooring.
Modern colours – If you have a client who wants a natural wood floor effect but in a contemporary shade, Dynamic Click could provide the answer. The range includes a number of cutting edge tones designed to work with current interior design trends, such as very dark, very pale and grey tones, as shown here. And, at Xylo Flooring we regularly update our ranges with new shades to reflect new colour trends as they emerge.
Sawgrass (VLKVT6031) is our palest shade in the Dynamic Click range, ideal for achieving spacious, contemporary interiors.
Augusta Dark Walnut offers a rich, dark base, reminiscent of Wenge, but with a subtle grey tone.
Medinah Grey Oak is a sophisticated grey tone designed to work well with current colour trends and is ideal for commercial interiors where a highly contemporary look is required, such as fashion, high-tech or modern dining outlets.
So if your client says they want wooden flooring that won’t scratch, stain or fade, and looks almost as good as new after 5 years of heavy duty retail traffic, Dynamic Click offers a high quality alternative, giving the best of both worlds.
Commercial Vinyl Flooring – click here to view our complete Dynamic Click Vinyl flooring range.