The soaring price of energy means that increasing numbers of people are now looking at underfloor heating as an alternative to a more conventional system. Xylo Flooring, who supply high-quality wooden, laminate and vinyl flooring to the retail trade, builders and interior designers, look at some of the reasons why.

It’ll Save Money – in the Long Run

An underfloor heating (UFH) system won’t save the homeowner much money in the beginning because of the installation cost. This particularly applies if you opt for a water-based rather than an electrical system.

However, in the long run, it will – and with energy prices not showing any sign of coming down for the next few months, it’s something more and more homeowners and businesses are looking at.

The consumer website Simply Switch estimates that electric systems cost less than 10p per square metre to run at full power for six hours. And water-based UFH systems are around 25% more efficient than radiators when run off a traditional or existing boiler. This is because conventional radiators have to heat the water to a much higher temperature.

It Provides a More Even Distribution of Heat

Radiators are on the outside of rooms and generally heat up the air in their immediate vicinity. This means the middle of the room is the last place to warm up – if at all. This is because a lot of the heat escapes upwards before it even has a chance to get to the centre.

UFH systems, on the other hand, are underneath the whole floor and distribute the heat evenly. It also means the room ‘warms up’ a lot quicker – helping with both the cost and the comfort.

It Will Save Space

Radiators, night storage heaters, and other appliances used to heat up the home all have another thing in common – they all take up space. However, that’s not true of UFH systems because they are out of sight and, effectively, out of mind.

This means home and business owners have a lot more scope to ‘customise’ rooms in the way they want. Alternatively, they could opt for a more minimalist approach, creating the impression of space.

It’s Safer and More Comfortable

There is no risk of children tampering with it, or injuring themselves on sharp edges, unlike radiators and electric heaters. They are also not so hot to the touch.

The quality of air is better too. The radiant heat underfloor heating provides keeps the air fresh and oxygen-rich. On the other hand, high temperatures caused by radiators increase discomfort and reduce oxygen levels. The thermal circulation from air rising to the ceiling and then back gets all the dust going in circles, which will not happen with a floor heating system.

It’s Suitable for All Floor Types

Whatever type of floor you have – carpet, tile, stone, wood, vinyl or laminate – it should be possible to purchase an appropriate UFH. With real wooden flooring, you ought to check how much heat the planks can take, warns the Consumers’ Association Which? Usually, it’s around the 27oC mark because any warmer the wood could warp or shrink. Also, any wood thicker than 18mm could reduce the efficiency of the heating system.

Vinyl and laminate are particularly good fits for any underfloor system as you have the added benefit of not needing to worry about any dust or grime in circulation, as with carpets.

Quality Wooden, Laminate and Vinyl Flooring from Xylo Flooring

At Xylo we provide a wide range of high-quality engineered wooden, vinyl and laminate flooring that is suitable for underfloor heating.

If you would like to know more, call us on 020 8368 8122. Xylo Flooring’s products are stocked by various outlets across the UK; to find your nearest one email