One of the biggest decisions any restaurant owner has to make is deciding on which type, style and shade of flooring to choose. You want something that is both hardwearing and durable, but also sleek, stylish and appealing to customers. Here Xylo Flooring, who supply high-quality engineered wooden flooring to the retail sector, look at why this type of flooring is the perfect choice for all eating establishments.
It Can Cope with Wear and Tear
Engineered wooden flooring combines multiple layers of timber with a solid wood veneer. This makes it much stronger than more traditional solid hardwood. This is important because restaurant floors need to be able to cope with a lot of footfall from clients, suppliers and tradespeople – and staff. There will often be times when many people will be in and passing through the premises in a short space of time, such as at lunchtimes, weekends and bank holidays.
Another benefit of engineered wooden flooring is that doesn’t scratch very easily, meaning it will remain looking good and last longer than other types of flooring. In addition, it is also easy to maintain, saving you time and money in the long run.
It Can Cope with Spills
All restaurants have a number of spills of food and drink each and every day – it’s an occupational hazard. Mopping up any spills is much simpler on a quality wooden floor compared to vacuuming, shampooing and drying a carpet, which can be quite expensive and time-consuming.
Engineered hardwood flooring is also better than solid hardwood in this respect too. This is because can resist temperature fluctuations and moisture well, making it especially suitable for use in bars, pubs, and refreshment areas.
Its Versatility
Engineered wooden flooring is an ideal choice whether you want a classic or contemporary style in your restaurant, as many different types and shades are available. Patterns can also be created to provide additional points of interest or that ‘wow’ feel in your restaurant. For example, Xylo stocks Belgravia and St James Herringbone, as well as Soho Chevron.
It is versatile in another respect too. Engineered hardwood can be used in conjunction with underfloor heating because of its ability to handle temperature fluctuations. This will heat the premises more evenly, keeping customers warm and comfortable.
Ideal for Smaller Spaces Too
Engineered wooden flooring is also available in wide plank options, such as Xylo’s Islington range, which is now available with 240mm planks. Wider planks can make smaller rooms appear bigger, particularly if laid perpendicularly to the longest side of the room. This is a great choice if your restaurant is small or you would like to make it appear as if there is a little more space than there actually is.
Engineered Wooden Flooring from Xylo Flooring
If you would like to know more about Xylo’s range of engineered wooden flooring, call us directly on 020 8368 8122.
All of our engineered wooden flooring is installed via either a click or tongue-and-groove system, making it easy and quick to install. We also supply vinyl and laminate flooring as well if you would like to explore alternatives to hardwood or engineered wooden flooring.
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